Right now I've been working on a project where we are going to deploy Windows 2008 Servers in about 200 sites across Canada. As you can guess, this project also contains workstations and there are going to be Windows 7 Professional.
Since Microsoft released Windows Vista, the only supported way to "clone" windows systems become SYSPREP. Personally, I've been using sysprep since Windows NT 4, but there were other solutions that many professionals used to use.
So, as I said, I've been involved in a new deployment project :)...When we finished installing and customizing our Windows 7 system, I've executed a following command:
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My hat's off to system admins. The hell you go through on a daily basis seems like it should qualify for the UN's definition of torture. My company, Azaleos, is showing some love to system admins everywhere- we are giving away a 16GB iPad to the best IT disaster story (and what you did to save the day) to celebrate National System Administrator Appreciation Day (July 30). To submit your story or nominate someone else, go to www.azaleos.com/Company-Info/Celebrate-National-Sys-Admin-Appreciation-Day